Madawaska U.S. Land Port of Entry

Madawaska U.S. Land Port of Entry

fs3|Hodges, a part of Overwatch CM, performed schedule management and review for the new Land Port of Entry in Madawaska, Maine. The Madawaska Land Port of Entry is a $65 million new-build, state-of-the-art facility on the US-Canada border that will expedite the...
Laredo U.S. LPOE 1&2

Laredo U.S. LPOE 1&2

fs3|Hodges, a part of Overwatch CM, was contracted as CMa (Construction Manager as Advisor) for the Laredo 1&2 Land Ports of Entry by GSA Region 7.The Laredo Land Ports of Entry 1&2 at Convent Avenue and Juárez-Lincoln are among the busiest international ports...
Jonas U.S. Courthouse Modernization & New Annex

Jonas U.S. Courthouse Modernization & New Annex

fs3|Hodges, a part of Overwatch CM, acted as Construction Manager on the Charlotte U.S. Courthouse Annex and Charles R. Jonas Federal Building Renovation which began in 2018 and was completed in 2023. This project was the first of eight courthouses in GSA’s budget to...
VA Livermore Engineering & Logistics Building

VA Livermore Engineering & Logistics Building

The Engineering & Logistics Building (ELB) at the Stockton VA is a new 20,000 SF building to house logistics management services, engineering, safety, emergency preparedness, and administrative areas. As part of our Joint Venture with S.J. Amoroso Construction...
Luxury Caribbean Hotel Renovation

Luxury Caribbean Hotel Renovation

Overwatch provided cost estimating services for a luxury hotel renovation in the Caribbean. Our estimate included a restaurant and gym renovation. Our team took careful consideration of local conditions and pricing to provide the estimate in order to accurately...